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New Patrons

We are delighted to announce confirmation of our three new patrons.

Dr Neil Clark, Curator of Palaeontology at the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow.

Dr Clark’s interest and support of the project began in 1984 immediately after graduation of his first degree and has been involved in fossil research and teaching since. His continuing support of the Bearsden Shark Group’s efforts to keep the story of the shark alive is invaluable.

Duncan Cummings

Duncan Cummings is an EDC Councillor in whose Ward is the site of the discovery of the ‘Bearsden Shark’ fossil. He continues to take great interest in promoting awareness of the importance of the fossil in the world of palaeontology.

Matt Dale, proprietor of Mr Wood’s Fossils

Matt Dale has had an interest in fossils for many years and acquired Stan Wood’s shop in Edinburgh, after being manager for some time, on Stan’s retirement. An image of the Bearsden Shark hangs outside the shop and Matt commissioned a painting showing the shark in its natural environment. He has generously allowed reproduction for the group.

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