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The Bearsden Festival 2022

In 2022 The Bearsden Festival Association made a successful application to Scotland’s Year of Stories; the Scottish Government’s Themed Year for 2022. The Bearsden Festival told the story of the discovery 40 years before of the Bearsden Shark fossil and included various events in the summer of 2022 including:

- a guided walk of the Manse Burn site where the Shark fossil was found in 1982.

- a celebration of Edwin Morgan, who wrote the poem The Bearsden Shark, with poetry, theatre and music.

- a theatre show based on the Bearsden Shark which visited local Primary schools.

- a shark treasure hunt for sharks hidden around Bearsden Cross [children and parents]

- children’s class, making willow and paper models of the Bearsden Shark.

- a Bearsden Summer Film School on the theme of Surprising Discoveries led by Felix Gilfedder of Mobile Film School.

- a film gala including Sharksden, a light hearted documentary about the finding of the Shark fossil, directed by Max McGregor, with a cast of local actors and contributors associated with the history of the Shark fossil.

The festival was a very successful event well attended by children and adults. As well as donating supplies of our booklet, embossed pencils, bookmarks and leaflets, The Bearsden Shark Group supported and contributed to the Sharksden film. The Bearsden Group appreciated the recognition given to the Bearsden Shark by The Bearsden Festival Association and in particular the Festival Association Chairperson, Jane Gordon.

The video can be watched by clicking on the link below:


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